Wednesday, February 18, 2009

P&J! (Pictures and Junk)

skated white walls for like 5 minutes before the alien premiere. sadly the good one was blocked by cars. oh well, fun anyway. all green photos by evan .

all green tinted like them emerica ads right ?

me trying to do one of those jason adams tweaky foot front rocks.

my favorite video in a longggggg time.

This picture represents the fact that filming has begun for the new Rough Skateboards, "Rough Edit" video. Rough is just something fun me and DC made up, format for the video will be something along the lines of 10 - 15 minutes , a part by Blake ( since he racks up the footy ) , a street section , a concrete park section , and maybe an intro/outro deal. should be done in 6 months maybe more/less.

oh yea , need a board ? 7.75 with jessup grip lemme know.

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